Tue, Apr 14th, 2015

There is a new informational kiosk at the trailhead of Hickory, Trace and Thunderbunny trails in Strouds Run State Park, thanks to Ben Bibee and 11 of his environmental students at Hocking College.  

This structure will provide maps, natural/cultural history and other park information to park patrons.  The park should add the signage, maps and information within the next few weeks.  

The bridge across the creek and the bench at the same trailhead were built by previous Hocking College Adventure Leadership students a few years ago.  

"The kiosk, built by Hocking College Adventure Leadership students in cooperation with the Friends of Strouds Run and Strouds Run State Park was built out of all locally harvested and milled lumber," said Ben Bibee.  "It will be a great resource for park visitors and a good service to the community."

Bibee gave special thanks to David Resier of RVC Architects in Athens who drew up the plans, coordinated the materials and legwork and David Wakefield, Bibee's predecessor who started planning the project before Bibee came along.

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