Tue, Nov 6th, 2012
Hocking College will host a Red Cross blood drive on November 26 from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. in the Student Center to help support hospitals in communities affected by Hurricane Sandy. As of 3:30 p.m. on November 5, Hurricane Sandy had caused 370 Red Cross Blood Drives to be cancelled across a 13 state region. Those cancellations have resulted in a shortfall of 12,700 blood and platelet donations.  

The Central Ohio Blood Services Region of the American Red Cross serves 27 counties in Ohio and 42 hospitals. Daily, 800 blood donors are needed in the region. During times of crisis, such as Hurricane Sandy, the Red Cross moves blood and blood products to areas affected so that the blood needs of people in those communities can be met.

The number of blood drive cancellations is expected to continue to rise until areas on the East Coast are restored with power and facilities. The American Red Cross is urging blood and platelet donations in areas throughout the country that were unaffected by the hurricane. Hospitals in the areas affected by the storm need the support and donations.

To schedule an appointment, call 1.800.RED.CROSS
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