Mon, Feb 20th, 2012
Gail Jordan, coordinating instructor for the Industrial Ceramics Engineering program at Hocking College, was recently recognized as one of the Top 10 Athens County volunteers with the greatest impact on the community in the Athens News "2012 Annual Manual."

Jordan is a member of the Shade-Lodi History and Genealogy Association, which is part of the Shade Community Center.  The group holds monthly presentations about local history and families, and they collect historical artifacts to display at the Shade Community Center.

Pat Davidson, president of the Shade Community Center Association, a position Jordan held for a year, nominated Jordan.  She cited his dedication to local history and support of the Shade Community Center as reasons for the nomination.

He currently maintains the facility's computer lab and works on improvement and maintenance projects, particularly those involving the heat and electrical systems.  For the last three years, Jordan has also produced the community center newsletter.

According to the article, Jordan plans to increase his involvement with the community center after he retires from Hocking in a couple years.
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