Wed, Jan 4th, 2012
In June 2010, Hocking College first learned that it was a recipient of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block grant program. These American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) grant funds were distributed through the State of Ohio Department of Development to small towns, schools, colleges and universities in Ohio with the best proposals.

The funds awarded to Hocking, totaling in excess of $440,000, were used to pay for the material and labor costs of upgrading the college's HVAC systems, control systems, occupancy sensors and boilers throughout the main campus. This new and upgraded equipment is now much easier for the facilities staff to monitor, will yield more comfortable environments through the indoors of the main campus and operate much more efficiently by using less electricity.

The expected utility savings from this project will be in excess of $90,000 a year and in turn reduce our carbon footprint by over 600 metric tons a year. This project is now completed, and the grant is closed. 
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