Wed, Jan 4th, 2012
Construction Management-Carpentry students recently completed two concrete projects, one on campus and one close to campus.
The first was a public canoe access ramp along the Hocking River next to the bridge at the North end of Hocking Parkway.  This particular project was challenging, due to a strong sloping sidewalk, which terminated in the river.  A concrete pumper truck was used to aid in the placement of the concrete, well beyond the reach of the chute of the concrete mixing truck.  Timing of the pour was critical to complete the project while the river was at a low point.  Just days after the date of the pour, the river had risen to flood stage, with no harm to the concrete.  

The second project was a 16 feet by 24 feet patio extension on the East side of the Student Center on campus.  This project was completed the week of Thanksgiving during a short window of dry weather.  The extended patio should provide a larger area for outdoor cookouts during special Student Center events.  

Construction Management-Carpentry students involved in both projects include:   R.L. Davis, Jimmy Deal, Nick Hilborn, Brad King, Sean Moore, Matt Waldron, Amber Well, Chadd Whitlatch, Zachary Wolfe, Brock Bergman, Joshua Hubble, John Jenkins, Tim Pietro, Joe Scott, Noah Strode,  Matthew Thompson, and Nathan Kunkler.  The Construction Management-Carpentry instructors are Todd Hoffman and Jim Batey.
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