Tue, Dec 13th, 2011
The BUS 130 Sales class, taught by Mary Leffler, raised $1,170 for a service-learning project conducted this quarter.

The students sold Domino's Pizza "Dough Cards"for the Haydenville Community Improvement Project, which is supported through the Haydenville Community Improvement Committee. The committee is a non-profit corporation founded by a Hocking College student whose purpose is to improve the local park at Haydenville and make other improvements to help ensure the community is safe and enjoyable for its families.

"The service learning project for sales class allows students to exercise "real-life" practice of selling techniques learned during the quarter; provides a way for them to connect with a local community; and creates a documented legacy of their hard work-in this case, new playground equipment at the Haydenville Community Park," Leffler said.

The park was dedicated to the community of Haydenville in 2009 and is a gathering place for older youth to play basketball. The current equipment consists of one small playground set for ages five and under.
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