Thu, Nov 18th, 2010
Hocking College faculty and staff were recognized with 2010 Phi Theta Kappa Star Awards Wednesday evening.  Melissa Schmeltzer and Chuck Steadman tied for accumulating the most star awards establishing a new record.

According to Julie Cohara, student life coordinator, “Students may honor one Hocking College faculty or staff with a star pin as a key individual in his/her journey towards academic success. The bronze star is for first time honors, a silver star for the second and a gold star for those recognized three or more times.”

Schmeltzer received two gold stars and one silver star and Donna Wamsley was awarded a gold star.  Receiving bronze stars were: James Baker, James Batey, Sally Ball, Julie Cohara, Tracey Conrad, Jeff Daubenmire, Jerry Hart, Heath Hutchison, Bruce Jones, Gail Jordan, Randy King, Jestinah McDonald, Brian McLaughlin, Krista Moore, Ava Mowery and Marty Skeeles.
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