Tue, May 10th, 2011
Hocking College Construction Management - Commercial and Residential Electricity students are working with the Nelsonville Main Street organization to repair and install new receptacles at the base of the trees around Stuart’s Opera House, the fountain and along the sidewalk near Peoples Bank.

Mike Summers, Commercial and Residential Electricity program coordinating instructor, offers students hand-on experience in real work environments.  Although organizations and individuals contact the College frequently seeking assistance from these students, the program instructors use three criteria to choose the experience opportunities for students.

First, the project must either serve the community or have a service component.  Second, the project must allow students to gain usable insight into developing their skill and knowledge of the craft.  Third, and equally important as the other two, the project must not be one that interferes with the livelihood of any area contractors.

The Nelsonville Main Street project fits all three criteria, as they have a limited budgeted for the project, and the contractor that performed the original installation actually recommended the students and serves in an advisory capacity.   

“I spent 30 years in the trade and the most gratifying work I experienced was that which served others, and I try to expose my students to this value and thought. They have skills and gifts with which to use in the service of those around us and will gain great personal growth from incorporating this philosophy into their careers. Even though all of our work is provided free of charge (except materials), all of my students to date have been accepting of this philosophy and have shown exceptional generosity toward their fellow students and community residents,” Summers commented.
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