Thu, Jun 30th, 2011
The grounds surrounding the Hocking College Energy Institute are blooming, planted with native Ohio prairie grasses and wildflowers, providing both habitat and food for native insects and birds.  Several types of mid-season flowering plants are represented in the photo but the most prominent are the Gloriosa Daisy, Black Eyed Susan, Mexican Hat, Blue Cornflower, and Blanket Flower.  Earlier in the season, Russell Lupine, Siberian Wallflower, Coreopsis and Cosmos were also blooming.  Because the grounds use a native low-grow mix, most of the area is only mowed a few times a year, reducing maintenance costs and energy consumption.  
From the vantage point of the photo, the vegetated roof of the Energy Institute is also noticible; the roof over the classrooms is planted with sedum and native phlox.  The roof helps insulate the building and reduces stormwater flow by detaining it in the roof’s soil and plant root systems, returning it to the air through transpiration.
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