Thu, Jul 21st, 2011
Elementary School Tutoring Work-study Positions Available

Hocking College Youth Tutoring Program (HCYTP), an America Reads program, encourages students who have federal work-study awards as part of their financial aid package to apply for tutoring positions in local elementary schools. If you think you would enjoy working with grade school age kids, are eligible for federal work-study, have reliable transportation, and your class schedule allows you to work 6-10 hours per week between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., consider applying for HCYTP.  It will be a rewarding experience.

Volunteers Needed for Elementary Art Program

Public school funding cuts have forced elementary schools discontinue art education.  Local teachers have asked if Hocking College students might be interested in planning art activities for their elementary school kids.  Teachers have some art supplies.  If we get a group of Hocking students together to regularly organize and implement activities with the kids, we can have fundraisers, like bake sales, to raise money for supplies for special art projects. If you are creative and also like working with young children, please sign-up.  Tell us what types of arts or crafts you have experience with or would like to offer and what materials would be needed.

Students in Service (SIS)
Students in Service (SIS) is a part-time AmeriCorps program designed just for full-time students.  Participants must complete 300 hours of service to the community in one calendar year to earn a $1,175 education award.  Hocking College practicum experiences and internships may count toward the 300 hour goal, if they are performed in a service-oriented work place. HCYTP (see above) workstudy elementary school tutoring hours count, too.

Many other volunteer and service learning opportunities for Hocking students occur throughout the year.  Please send an email to Coordinator, Suzanne Brooks-Korner, or call 740.753.7111 to request a copy of the Service Site list.  You may also stop by the Community Outreach Center, JL 249K, to discover ways you can make a difference in the world while studying at Hocking.  The Community Outreach Center is open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
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